While nectarines are not the most popular stone fruit, they are an important piece of the stone fruit category. Make nectarines a regular part of stone fruit displays to boost sales of the whole category.
5-lb. cartons, loose 25-lb. cartons or 1⁄2-bushel cartons, loose 22-lb. cartons/lugs, 2-layer tray pack 18-lb. cartons/lugs, 2-layer tray-pack (Chile) 9-lb. cartons, 1 layer RPC 6416 Consumer packs Small-sized nectarines packed in bags, commonly 2 lbs. net weight, offer a good opportunity to display two sizes in-store. Principal sizes range from the larger 50 size to the smaller 84 size.
U.S. Fancy U.S. Extra No. 1 U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2
Temperature: 31 to 32 F, -0.6 to 0 C Relative humidity: 90-95% Mist: no Typical shelf life: 14 to 21 Holding nectarines at room temperature for two to three days will usually be enough to complete the ripening process. Ripening at 65 F (18 C), is optimum, but a range of 51 to 77 F (10.6 to 25 C) is safe. Nectarines are susceptible to dehydration and should always be stored and displayed away from drafts. Russeting or staining of the skin may affect appearance but not detract from internal quality.