Wonderful Citrus leans into new Halos campaign

Wonderful Citrus leans into new Halos campaign

Los Angeles-based Wonderful Citrus has launched a new integrated marketing campaign called “Hands Off My Halos” to promote its Wonderful Halos mandarins, says Zak Laffite, president. Wonderful Halos are now available year-round.
Los Angeles-based Wonderful Citrus has launched a new integrated marketing campaign called “Hands Off My Halos” to promote its Wonderful Halos mandarins, says Zak Laffite, president. Wonderful Halos are now available year-round.
(Photos courtesy of Wonderful Citrus)
by Tom Burfield, Jan 27, 2025

Los Angeles-based Wonderful Citrus, which is marking its 75th anniversary, has launched a new integrated marketing campaign, called “Hands Off My Halos,” to promote its Wonderful Halos mandarins, said Zak Laffite, president.

The campaign features two commercials that highlight Wonderful Halos as “an irresistible snack both kids and parents love by capturing the extreme lengths kids will go to if anyone tries to take their last Halos mandarin,” he said.

“Hands Off My Halos” is Wonderful Halos’ first new television campaign in seven years and will air on Amazon Prime, Disney+, Hulu and NBC Peacock.

Wonderful Citrus also continues to feature its “Hal the Halo” mascot in a TikTok video series.

“This is the brand’s largest TikTok campaign to date and includes three times more media investment than the prior season,” Laffite said.

Wonderful also is supporting its seedless lemons with its first national integrated marketing campaign that includes digital video, social media and partnerships with prominent influencers.

On the in-store display front, new small-format POS displays continue to drive strong performance in smaller retail stores, Laffite said, seasonal basketball-themed displays were scheduled to return in January, and there’s a new lemonade stand POS display for Wonderful seedless lemons.

“We are also utilizing our versatile hexagon bins with culinary-themed header cards, which are a perfect option for merchandising in the produce department or secondary locations, such as the seafood and alcohol sections,” he said.

The company is commemorating its 75th anniversary with a revamped website — wonderfulcitrus.com — that focuses on its expertise and capabilities, Laffite said.

“We are also bringing back our original namesake brand, Paramount Citrus, as a primary label within our portfolio,” he said.

The company features Wonderful Halos mandarins and Wonderful seedless lemons year-round. Other offerings include navel oranges, cara cara oranges, minneolas, blood oranges, lemons, Texas oranges, Texas grapefruit and limes.

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