Who's buying cauliflower?

Who's buying cauliflower?

by admin, Feb 06, 2019

Age and income play a key role in cauliflower purchases. The likelihood of a purchase increased according to both factors, and those in the highest income and age brackets were among the most likely overall to buy the cruciferous vegetable.

Shoppers without kids at home were a bit more likely to buy cauliflower than those with kids, but the likelihood of a purchase increased according to the number of children in the home.

Regional trends for cauliflower have been all over the map in recent years. The likelihood of a cauliflower purchase fell three percentage points from Fresh Trends 2017.

Nearly one-third of buyers (32%) said they purchased organic cauliflower at least some of the time, up from 28% who said so last year. Twelve percent of buyers said they always bought organic cauliflower. 

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