Wal-Mart's U.S. food retail market share is bigger than you think

Wal-Mart’s U.S. food retail market share is bigger than you think

by Greg Johnson, Jun 30, 2017

The U.S. food retail space is so much more open than most countries, but a recent analysis shows one retailer controls more than one-fifth of the market.

Of course you know that retailer is Wal-Mart.

A recent story on businessinsider.com uses data from UBS to show that Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club combined control 21.4% of the grocery market in the U.S., more than double the next competitor Kroger at 10.2%.

Rounding out the top five are Albertsons at 5.2%, Costco at 4.2% and CVS at 3.9%.

The chart still shows the U.S. market is very diverse with several large chains just now expanding their fresh food offerings, such as CVS, Walgreens, Dollar Tree and Dollar General.

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