Viewpoints: Know which organic items will sell

Viewpoints: Know which organic items will sell

by Greg Johnson, Jul 05, 2018

You've noticed nice growth of organic fruits and vegetables in your stores.

Now that summer is here, you think about offering some organic melons to your summer mix. Is that a good strategy?

It's unlikely.

Cantaloupes and watermelons are not big organic sellers, if you can even find them.

And while cherries have a booming month or two during their season, organic cherries are not a big part of their set. 

According to retail scan data from IRI/FreshLook Marketing, organic cherries only make up about 1.5% of the nearly billion-dollar retail market.

But berries are big organic sellers, led by strawberries, making up more than 10% of the overall $2.7 billion retail market, according to IRI/FreshLook.

The Packer's annual Organic Produce Market Guide comes out in June, and among its features is a look at retail scan data for more
than 50 fruits and vegetables, so you have a better perspective on what organic items sell and which flatter to deceive.


The big organic sellers are what many would expect: apples, bananas, carrots, salads, spinach and berries. 

These each represent more than $300 million in organic retail sales in 2017.

But it should be helpful to know which items don't sell much organically, so retailers have a more realistic set of expectations.

Watermelons sold about $1.5 billion worth in retail last year, but only about $5 million, or 0.4%, was organic. 

With cantaloupes, of the $650 million sold last year, only about $4 million was organic, or 0.6%.

When consumers ask where all the organic sweet corn is, you can tell them it's hard to find and not a big seller (only 0.5% of the $580 million sold last year was organic).

Point those organic consumers toward the apples, berries and other vegetables.

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