'Tip of the Iceberg' podcast — Bristol Farms draws Hatchheads and so can you

'Tip of the Iceberg' podcast — Bristol Farms draws Hatchheads and so can you

by Amy Sowder, Aug 24, 2022

In this episode, we learn all about hatch chile season and how Bristol Farms and its sister retail banners in Southern California make it a big-time event at grocery stores.

Grown in New Mexico's Hatch Valley, the hatch chile promotions seem exclusively for the lucky shoppers in the Southwest of the U.S., so I seriously have some FOMO, or fear of missing out.

But this pepper promotion can serve as great inspiration for all our regions of how we can take a limited-time produce item that grows in your area and really generate excitement and urgency.

So who is the guest on this episode? Click the purple-and-white play button and listen.

Spoiler alert: I talk with Scott Wiggans, the produce director of Bristol Farms, Lazy Acres Natural Market and New Leaf Community Markets, all part of Good Food Holdings.

He confirms where the heat is really stored in the chile, how the texture is so buttery — yes, buttery — and how his retail company transforms shoppers into bonafide hatch heads.

Related news: Crack into your seasonal promotions, Hatch chile style

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