Study: Tajin helps boost watermelon sales

Study: Tajin helps boost watermelon sales

by Industry Press Release, Dec 17, 2021

When placed next to produce items, Tajin seasonings increase sales, according to research conducted by Tajin in partnership with independent research firm DLG Research. 

Tajin and DLG Research conducted a two-day test on watermelons for eight straight hours of sales in California and Texas at three different store locations, according to a news release. The research was done by alternating a day with Tajin next to full-size watermelons in a bin and a day without Tajin next to the watermelons. Upon completion of the research, it was found that the sales of watermelon were boosted by 48% on average when placed next to a Tajin display. 

The hypothesis of the research was that, when Tajin is placed next to produce items, the sales of fruits and vegetables increases. This hypothesis was proven in this research for watermelons, one of numerous fruit and vegetable items that are popular with Tajin. The seasoning is popular with a number of other produce items, too, including mango, pineapple, oranges, avocado, corn on the cob, pears, kiwifruit, berries, carrots, celery, cucumber, potatoes and jicama. Tajin has recipes available for multiple fruits and vegetables at

“For years, we have been told by produce departments that, when Tajin seasonings are placed in the produce department near particular items, that an increase in sales occurs,” Juan Carlos Limon, marketing manager, said in the release. “We know our own Tajin sales greatly increase when we are displayed in produce versus general grocery, but we wanted concrete facts to show our customers the increase in produce item sales, which is why we had this research conducted for us. We were very excited by the results. They tell a great story.”

Tajin is available in multiple sizes of bottles and in small packets or sachets. The sachets are often used as a value-added item in fruit and veggie cups. There are both dry seasoning and liquid seasoning Tajin offerings, as well. 

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