Strawberries take the cake — or No. 1 — on PMG

Strawberries take the cake — or No. 1 — on PMG

by Amelia Freidline, Feb 02, 2021

Pummelos were finally knocked from their weeks-long run at No. 1 when strawberries took the top spot on PMG the week of Jan. 25. Oranges maintained their No. 2 place, and pummelos slipped to No. 3. Lettuce held steady at No. 4, while tomatoes shot up 10 places from the previous week to No. 5.

Jan. 18: Tropical fruits and staple favorites rejoin PMG top 20

The PMG platform connects produce buyers and sellers. Below, find the top 20 searched commodities on PMG during the week of Jan. 25.

PMG top 20 week of Jan. 25

Cucumbers held on to the No. 6 spot, and mushrooms moved up three slots to No. 7. Apples fell to No. 8 from No. 5 the previous week, and broccoli gained seven places to land at No. 9. Bell peppers fell to No. 10 from No. 7 the week before.

Jan. 11: Garlic and grapes make a comeback in PMG top 20

Lemons rejoined the list at No. 11, and navel oranges moved up a spot to No. 12. Chili peppers slipped down to No. 13, and specialty manzano bananas came back at No. 14. Dragon fruit gained four spots from the previous week to complete the top 15.

Jan. 4: Strawberries catch eyes on PMG

Bananas and watermelons rejoined at No. 16 and No. 17, and potatoes fell to No. 18 from No. 14 the week before. Specialty burro bananas came back to the list at No. 19, and specialty seville oranges also rejoined, at No. 20.

More on strawberries: California strawberry supplies tight for Valentine's Day

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