Store check: Amazon Fresh in the Chicago suburbs

Store check: Amazon Fresh in the Chicago suburbs

by Amy Sowder, Jan 30, 2023

Like many produce people, we like to check out what different supermarkets and grocery stores do with their merchandising and in-store displays. 

Use the photos for inspiration, to compare strategies and get a broader perspective of what different types of retailers are doing in their produce departments.

And note: Sometimes we hold onto our photos for a while until the time is right. These displays were seen during a June 2022 store visit at the Amazon Fresh supermarket in Schaumburg, Ill.


citrus amazon fresh
Photo: Amy Sowder


apples Amazon Fresh
Photo: Amy Sowder


peaches pears apples amazon fresh
Photo: Amy Sowder


AI tech Dash Cart amazon
Amazon Fresh offers a Dash Cart for AI-powered smart grocery shopping. Photo: Amy Sowder


red onions yellow onions Amazon
Photo: Amy Sowder


hard winter fall squash acorn squash
Photo: Amy Sowder


yam sweet potato amazon fresh
Photo: Amy Sowder


mushrooms amazon fresh
Photo: Amy Sowder


wet rack amazon fresh
Photo: Amy Sowder


amazon fresh wet rack
Photo: Amy Sowder


papaya kiwi amazon fresh
Photo: Amy Sowder


tropical fruit
Photo: Amy Sowder


fresh cut amazon fresh
Photo: Amy Sowder


bananas amazon fresh
Photo: Amy Sowder


plantains amazon fresh
Photo: Amy Sowder



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