Side Delights offers potato options as grilling season kicks off

 Side Delights offers potato options as grilling season kicks off

Side Delights
Side Delights
(Image courtesy of Side Delights)
by The Packer Staff, May 21, 2024

Side Delights says it's ready to offer consumers options as summer grilling season heats up.

Side Delights barbecue-friendly petite potatoes and Prime Select russet potatoes are cost-effective, healthy and timesaving options for celebrating the holidays at home, according to a news release.

“Grilling with Side Delights potatoes is healthy, fast and easy,” Kathleen Triou, president and CEO of Fresh Solutions Network, said in the release. “There is no peeling needed — just cut them in half or put them on a skewer to cook on the top rack along with the meat.”

Independence Day is the most popular holiday for barbecues, followed by Memorial Day and Labor Day. Retailers can prepare accordingly, with data showing that 76% of consumers who celebrate Memorial Day say they consume their holiday meals at home and must stock up on their favorite grilling items, according to the release.

“BBQ is king with summer holidays,” Triou said. “It is also queen, as more women master grilling and appreciate speed hacks since they typically prepare the rest of the meal too.”

Potatoes are well positioned as vegetables move from a grilling side dish to the main course, according to Side Delights. Meat faces competition with younger generations, as studies show that Generation Z is trending away from traditional protein sources, opting for healthier and/or vegetarian choices, the release said.

As a timesaving hack, Side Delights recommends microwaving the petite potatoes for three minutes before placing on the grill. Side Delights also offers Prime Select russet potatoes pre-washed, same-size spuds for equal cooking time convenience. 

Side Delights suggests some grilling recipes for Memorial Day or any backyard barbecue:

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