In the 2000 blockbuster film “Castaway,” Tom Hanks’ character was heartbroken when he lost his volleyball turned companion (with a painted face) on the ocean current while he drifted away on his makeshift raft. All these years later, all it takes is someone to cry, “Wilson!” and most people get the reference. Painful.
One thing the scene reinforces is, that as people, we value the interaction of other people — so much so that if there are no other people around (like on that deserted island) to interact with, a person is prone to invent someone just to have some company.
Your customers are no different.
However, all we’ve done as an industry is push the very sight of people in grocery stores away. Think about it: If you stop in a store to get some cash, the ATM will spit it out on demand. Very few stockers are visible. Even the meat counter at one of my local stores hasn’t had butchers on-site for years. Everything arrives at the store, pre-wrapped. Even the dairy is stocked behind glass doors with those large racks that roll into place. That’s presumably done as to not disrupt shoppers, but this also eliminates anyone engaging with the employee for, well, anything. Self-serve cases abound. Squeezing labor out of sight is paramount.
For the grand finale, after lugging around that handcart of items for dinner, you likely will be herded into the bank of self-serve checkouts. All in the name of progress? I’m not so sure.
One of the last bastions of a grocer’s human interaction? The produce department.
That’s because even with most labor-savings efforts, restocking and constant attention remain the name of the game if you are to succeed. Bananas need replenishing and displays need culling. The wet rack needs not only ongoing stocking but constant facing, straightening and arranging — as with most every other section of the produce aisle.
If for no other reason, this is where a chain can really shine.
By not only coaching produce employees to be at their best when it comes to product knowledge, they also should be reminded of the fact that they can help attract and build the overall store volume and, by extension, profitability. How? By greeting customers at every chance while being polite, smiling and asking if they are finding everything.
Often a conversation can begin by noticing if a customer is hesitant while looking at something. Maybe it’s a matter of an unfamiliar mushroom or something as common as a watermelon or apple variety. They can say, “Do you have a question about that?” or “I can help you find a good watermelon, if you like.” Anything to spark that interaction helps.
Clerks must be trained to realize this, but customers are, by nature, afraid to ask. They don’t want to bother most clerks or produce managers, but once triggered, most customers love interaction. And they buy.
It’s a lot like asking a waiter at an unfamiliar restaurant, “What do most people order that they really enjoy?” In most cases the wait staff is eager to oblige, as no one knows the menu as well, and it’s a compliment to ask for their opinion.
In foodservice or in retail, nothing beats great customer service.
One of the best comments I ever read about while going through our suggestion cards years ago was this: “I love shopping here! Everything is arranged so nice and fresh. Kim in the produce department always goes out of her way to say hi, and she always helps me select what’s ripe or what’s in season. She is the reason I shop here!” That’s right. Not double-bonus loyalty points, gas credits or all the other gimmicks.
How much do you think the customer impact would be with no one on the sales floor?
by Armand Lobato, Mar 05, 2025