Organic avocado retail sales are up 13%

Organic avocado retail sales are up 13%

by Tom Karst, Dec 08, 2022

The Packer's Organic Fresh Trends 2023 is valuable to marketers and retailers seeking to answer the question, “Who is my organic consumer?” In mid-October of 2022, more than 1,000 U.S. consumers were asked about their organic purchasing habits. 

Thirteen percent of consumers surveyed by The Packer's Organic Fresh Trends 2023 said they shopped exclusively for organic avocados. That is down slightly from 16% who indicated that in Organic Fresh Trends 2022 and 10% in 2021.

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Thirty-two percent of consumers surveyed by Organic Fresh Trends 2023 said they purchased organic avocados at least some of the time. That compares with 38% reported in Organic Fresh Trends 2022 and 30% in 2021.

avocado sales

Demographics of consumers who choose organic exclusively are skewed toward younger consumers, according to Organic Fresh Trends 2023. 


Twenty-three percent of consumers 18-29 years old said they purchased organic avocados in Organic Fresh Trends 2023, compared with only 4% of shoppers over 60 years old.

Higher income consumers are more likely to say they purchase organic avocadoes exclusively. Seventeen percent of consumers who earn more than $100,000 per year said they purchased organic avocados, compared with 10% of those earning $25,000 to $50,000 per year.


IRI retail scan data from 2021 showed organic avocados had a big year, with more than $156.6 million in retail organic sales, up 13% from 2020. 

IRI reports that organic avocados accounted for 6.3% of total avocado sales in 2021. As a percentage of total organic produce sales, organic avocados accounted for a respectable 2.1% share.



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