Bell peppers are the fifth most popular vegetable, with 46% of survey respondents saying they bought one in the last 12 months, according to Fresh Trends 2022 data.
As for specialty peppers, well, 19% of respondents said they purchased them in the last year.
Cayenne, poblano, jalapeño, Anaheim, habanero and Carolina reaper are all considered specialty peppers.
Learn more: Chili Peppers
Those shoppers making up the remaining 81% who haven't bought specialty peppers lately need a little point-of-sale education.
Produce managers, marketers merchandisers, you can create and post signage telling these shoppers which peppers are hot, and how hot, so they can feel more informed about venturing outside familiar bell pepper territory.
Enter the Scoville Scale: Cut or tear out this sheet of Scoville Heat Units (SHU) for your own use, for your staff and even for shoppers.

Read more from this May/June issue of PMG magazine in the digital edition.