No more "same old" — Letter from the editor

No more "same old" — Letter from the editor

by Ashley Nickle, Mar 23, 2021

There’s often a certain comfort in doing things the way we’ve always done them. The procedures and patterns of the past might hold more allure this year than ever before as so much changed in 2020.

In truth, however, while some processes really are optimal and some plans might not need much adjusting, more often than not we leave opportunities on the table because there’s a measure of safety in doing things the way they’ve traditionally been done.

After 2020, however, going about business as if the changes of 2020 were temporary is not an option. Too much has happened. Too much time has passed in the – Overused-Phrase Alert! – “new normal.”

This is the year to say goodbye to the shackles of the “same old, same old.” What are the crazy ideas you’ve kept on the shelf? What are the aggressive strategies you’ve got on standby?

There’s an old saying that asks what you would attempt if you knew you couldn’t fail. Obviously failure is always a possibility, but without taking some risk, there is very little opportunity to evolve and grow. Without evolving and growing, there is very little opportunity for long-term success, especially in such a competitive, dynamic environment as grocery retail.

My hope is that in these pages you find something to encourage you in your pursuit of something new, something different, something creative in 2021. Thank you for reading, and Happy New Year!

Ashley Nickle is the editor of PMG magazine and spearheads the Produce Artist Award Series.


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