With consumer interest in snacking vegetables continuing to grow, Leamington, Ontario-based Nature Fresh Farms has added a new sweet pepper, Sweet S’naps, to its offerings.
Nature Fresh Farms says its promotional strategies include high-graphic displays and shipping cartons, vibrant packing and on-pack education.
“We’ve specifically designed the brand to signal sweetness and snackability through the visual designs and messaging,” Matt Quiring, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Nature Fresh Farms, said in a news release.
Nature Fresh said the brightly colored gourmet sweet peppers boast a crisp exterior and juicy bursts of flavor. The greenhouse grower said these peppers are intended to be eaten raw, dipped, grilled or air-fried.
“Available in five different colors (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Purple/Brown), these peppers have a light, refreshing crispness of a granny-smith apple that is sweet, juicy, and snackable,” Quiring said.