How do you mash together your mushroom displays to catch shoppers' attention and increase sales?
Well, check out the winning mushroom display in PMG's Winter 2023 contest of the Produce Artist Award Series, plus other mushroom display entries in the series.
And be inspired. Learn. Repeat, using your own twist.
Watch: Winter 2023 PMG Winner Webinar

(Photo: Brian Dey of Four Seasons Produce)
The winner of Best Mushroom Display was Brian Dey, senior merchandiser at Four Seasons Produce, Ephrata, Pa.

(Photo: Brian Dey of Four Seasons Produce)

(Photo: Brian Dey of Four Seasons Produce)

(Photo: Ruben Flores of El Rio Grande Latin Market)
Ruben Flores, produce merchandiser at El Rio Grande Latin Market, Dallas, sent a great mushroom display that's shows a totally different style.

(Photo: Stephen Daly Jr. of Military Produce Group)

(Photo: Stephen Daly Jr. of Military Produce Group)
We want to see your produce displays. If not you, encourage your team, colleague or customer to show us what they got. The contest is for produce merchandisers, specialists and managers, and the photos must reflect the work of their current role.
What do I win?
You get to be the topic of discussion in the Winner Webinar, where the judges discuss why your display is awesome. Your display photos will be featured in stories online, in print and on social media, with your name and company getting all the credit.
Winners of the Best Produce Manager and Best Produce Merchandiser/Specialist awards get a variety of prizes mailed to them. Yes, prizes!
And: You get allll the bragging rights.
How do I enter the contest?
Send us six to 10 photos (high-resolution so they're not pixelated/blurry for us) of your spring produce, along with your name, job title, company and city/state/country. To enter the Spring 2023 Produce Artist Awards contest, send it to [email protected] by June 9.
Categories include: Produce Manager, Produce Merchandiser/Specialist, Mangoes, Vidalia Onions, Berries, Melons and Sweet Corn.