If you've ever enjoyed berries outside their traditional season, you've most likely enjoyed berries from Mexico. Check out these statistics from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service about the role the country plays in keeping berries available in U.S. stores year-round.
The graph is in hundreds of millions of pounds, using data from 2019, the most recent year with complete information available from the USDA ERS.

Check out more berry resources from PMG at the following links:
Blueberry fun facts for point-of-sale material — Looking for ways to draw shopper eyeballs to blueberries for a few extra seconds? We recently spoke with berry grower-shippers for a PMG magazine article on the growth of blueberry sales, and these are a few of their suggestions for fun facts to sweeten your point-of-sale materials.
Singing the blues — Blueberry sales growth and what's driving it — Retail sales data for the last five years demonstrate that consumers cannot get enough of blueberries. As shopper interest has continued to rise, the industry has expanded production in an effort to keep up.
Get the berry most out of your berry category — There's so much to be gleaned from examining a retail display photo: assortment in a given category, merchandising techniques and styles, fixtures, placement in relation to other items, cross-merchandising and more.
Strawberries — They're kind of a big deal — “A good strawberry season can increase sales and profits, and a bad strawberry season can really kind of leave you scrambling to find other opportunities for sales."