Jeff Cady receives Produce Retailer of the Year Award at Fresh Summit

Jeff Cady receives Produce Retailer of the Year Award at Fresh Summit

by Ashley Nickle, Oct 14, 2020

(Video courtesy Tops)

The Packer and PMG recognized Jeff Cady, director of produce and floral for Tops Friendly Markets, as the 2020 Produce Retailer of the Year with a virtual presentation Oct. 14 at the Produce Marketing Association's Fresh Summit.

The award is designed to celebrate executives who foster great culture, cultivate strong relationships throughout the supply chain, and achieve excellent results. Now in its 25th year, the Produce Retailer of the Year award recognizes leadership that embraces creative merchandising and sales strategies that increase produce consumption and ultimately move the produce industry forward.

"What makes Jeff a great leader both for Tops and for the industry overall is what his predecessor at Tops, Steve Wright, calls “that burning desire never to be complacent and satisfied with where you’re at,'" PMG editor Ashley Nickle said in the presentation. "Over the years he’s taken many opportunities to improve his leadership skills, and he’s always looking for ways to help people and processes be better."

The push to improve has continued even in a year unlike any on record. Tops has continued to remodel locations, continued to drive sales and creativity in stores, and continued to push forward on sustainability. In produce, Cady has been leading the charge.

Cady has also been active in volunteer leadership for the industry, formally in recent years on the board of the United Fresh Produce Association, and informally but just as significantly at the PMA virtual town halls that provided critical visibility across the industry in the early months of the pandemic.

The award presentation also included a video put together by Tops (see above) of more than two dozen of Cady's colleagues congratulating him on the recognition. 

In his remarks at the online event, Cady commended the entire produce supply chain on its perseverance amid the challenges of COVID-19, including the foodservice sector for its innovation amid closures and reduced traffic. He also thanked his mentors and colleagues, including the leadership of Tops for allowing him be involved deeply in the broader industry. Cady thanked his family as well, calling them "paramount to (his) success."

Cady concluded by talking about his love for the industry. Produce has been a huge part of his life for more than 34 years, but he noted that he feels the same excitement each day now as he did when he was first handed a produce knife at Giant Eagle in Akron, Ohio, at the start of his career, selling lettuce for 33 cents a head.

"I'm just as engaged and excited as I was then," Cady said.

You can read the PMG cover story on Cady here.

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