Instacart data reveals consumer stone fruit trends

Instacart data reveals consumer stone fruit trends

Instacart and Harris Poll surveyed more than 2,000 consumers to learn their preferences when it comes to stone fruit purchases. This graphic shows the seasonality preferences of consumers' stone fruit purchases.
Instacart and Harris Poll surveyed more than 2,000 consumers to learn their preferences when it comes to stone fruit purchases. This graphic shows the seasonality preferences of consumers' stone fruit purchases.
(Graphic courtesy of Instacart)
by Christina Herrick, Jun 06, 2024

An Instacart recent survey of more than 2,000 U.S. adults conducted online by the Harris Poll delved into consumer behavior and interest in stone fruit, which includes apricots, cherries, nectarines, peaches, plums, pluots and mangoes.  

The survey revealed that more than 3 in 5 Americans (62%) are most looking forward to indulging in peaches this summer, indicating a strong national affinity for the fruit, according to a news release. However, the survey showed that only 29% of U.S. adults express a love for the peach's characteristic fuzzy exterior.
The survey showed that consumers typically start with mangoes and apricots in June, cherries in July and nectarines, peaches, plums and pluots in August.

Image courtesy of Instacart
This graphic shows the overall trends of consumers' stone fruit purchases. (Graphic courtesy of Instacart)


State preferences

Data from the survey indicates that stone fruit is a must-have in New Mexico — 30% more than the national average. New Mexicans particularly love apricots, buying them at 229% more than other states.

Minnesota and New Jersey also show an affinity for stone fruit, which have purchases 22% above the national average. Minnesotans favor cherries about 53% higher than the average.

In Washington, D.C., consumers are 51% more likely to purchase mangoes, according to the survey, and Californians are 76% more likely to purchase nectarines than anywhere else in the country. In The Peach State of Georgia, surprisingly plums rank higher, with consumers adding 28% more than the national average. Georgians ordered 5% less than the national average of peaches.

Instacart stone fruit cart parings
This graphic shows what consumers are more likely to add to their carts when making a purchase of stone fruit. (Graphic courtesy of Instacart)


Cart combinations

Instacart said its Harris Poll data shows shoppers often pair their stone fruit purchases in unique ways. For example, the data showed that consumers purchased burrata 550% more often and whole salmon 629% more often with yellow peaches than the national average.

Consumers who purchase yellow nectarines also were 139% more likely to add popsicles and 186% more likely to add smoked salmon to their carts, the survey showed.

Those who purchased plums were more likely to add Mediterranean ingredients such as traditional yogurt, dried dates and pistachios, Instacart said. Consumers purchasing pluots were more likely to add mochi and pressed juices. Consumers also were more likely to add prepared shrimp and croissants when purchasing cherries. Those who purchased ataulfo mangoes also purchased canned coconut milk and cream, tofu and paneer.

Stone fruit trivia

Instacart also said 63% of consumers lean toward pronouncing apricot as app-ricot.

Following peaches, consumers said they most look forward to eating cherries (49%), mangoes (40%), plums (35%) and nectarines (30%) in summer.

And more than 85% of consumers say they enjoy eating their stone fruit fresh, while 31% add it to baked goods and 26% enjoy stone fruit in jam or compote.

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