Idaho Potato Commission works with retailers to maximize holiday sales

Idaho Potato Commission works with retailers to maximize holiday sales

Idaho Potato Lovers Month will have big promotion opportunities for Idaho potatoes.
Idaho Potato Lovers Month will have big promotion opportunities for Idaho potatoes.
(Graphic courtesy of the Idaho Potato Commission)
by Tom Karst, Dec 17, 2024

The Idaho Potato Commission is working with retailers to help them maximize their lift by merchandising petite potatoes near the heavy-hitting russet potatoes during the holiday season, said Ross Johnson, the commission's vice president of retail and international.

“The holiday season is a perfect time for retailers to win with shoppers,” Johnson said. “When potatoes encourage larger baskets, putting potatoes on ad is the way for retailers to take advantage of the competitive landscape when it comes to the most important side dish for any holiday meal — Idaho potatoes."

Johnson said the IPC has seen in its research that consumers purchase petite potatoes in addition to their russet purchases; it's not an either-or option for them.

Potatoes are a strong performer in the holiday season because they are a big part of family celebrations, Johnson said.

“This is a no-brainer,” he said. “Potatoes [equals] family. Nothing brings people together better during the season than a beautiful plate of mashed Idaho potatoes.”

Looking beyond the holiday season, Johnson said the Idaho Potato Commission has big plans for Potato Lovers Month, which kicks off in February.

“Again, this is the only display contest where everyone who submits an entry will receive a limited-edition pack of five unique socks,” he said. “The pack comes in a carefully crafted box and allows a produce department to share their reward with those who worked to help them participate. This year we are also focused on highlighting that we will have three grand prize winners. Those winners will take home a brand-new full-size jukebox with a $1,000 gift card to get their vinyl collection off on the right foot.”

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