More shoppers grabbed grapes this year, pushing them up from the No. 4 spot to the third most popular fruit in the Fresh Trends 2022 survey (they tied with apples at No. 4). Snacking is the No. 1 way that shoppers use grapes; in fact, 85% of buyers said they used the fruit in this way. One-third of buyers noted using grapes as a dessert.
When it comes to variety, shoppers still rank green seedless grapes at the top of their list, followed closely by red seedless grapes. Blue/black seedless are preferred by only one-third of buyers, but any type of seedless grape is preferred over any color/variety of seeded grape.

The biggest differences within a demographic category can be seen with regard to age. Consumers 60 and older by far comprised the group most likely to buy grapes. And in fact, they were twice as likely to buy as the youngest consumers (age 18-29), who were the least likely to buy grapes overall.
These small globes are popular with all income levels and with families of varying sizes. Families without kids were a bit more likely to buy the fruit than those with kids this year. Families with one child at home were more apt to buy than those with more children.
More than two-thirds of grape buyers chose the traditional product, but 31% said that they opted for organic at least some of the time. Consumers with two kids living at home, and those younger than age 40 were most likely overall to make a periodic organic grape purchase.