The problem: LED lighting is a popular option for new display cases, but adding it to existing fixtures can be a challenge, especially when those fixtures have many different moving parts, like a salad case. Minneapolis-based Carlson AirFlo was tasked with finding the best way to adapt cases for LED lighting, both into past Carlson AirFlo designs and those of competitors.
The epiphany: “Our customers were asking the question, ‘How do we light or illuminate the salad section?’” says Mark Chenoweth, president. Salads typically have bright, graphic-heavy packaging, but previous lighting solutions often we aren’t able to provide maximum coverage. LED is compact, and energy efficient, enough to do that.
The execution: Carlson AirFlo first lined up all the objections to adding LED lighting. “Executing this idea was through collaboration with both our customers and our innovation team,” Chenoweth says. “Our goal was to include every feature that customers wanted and overcome any objects a customer might have to a design.” Integration also had to be effortless, using a simple, store-level installation, with store level personnel.
The solution: The Elite Self Facing shelf management system is the only adjustable self-facing merchandising tray with an integrated LED plug-and-display lighting system. Power bars are magnetic, and affix to the rear of the shelving unit. Faced products are more visible, attractive and drive more sales when continuously lit, Chenoweth says. Each facing has just the right amount of lighting to make product pop.