BBC looks at pandemic's effects on global supply chains

BBC looks at pandemic’s effects on global supply chains

by Chris Koger, Oct 16, 2020

BBC World News is airing a global look at how the coronavirus caused unprecedented challenges to the supply, including the effects felt in the U.S.

The next episode of “Follow The Food,” airs at 9:30 Eastern on BBC News, and features host James Wong talking to people around the globe on unique solutions to the supply chain disruptions, according to a BBC News article.

Wong looks at how the COVID-19 affected supply chains, including:

  • Farmers in Africa struggling to get seeds;
  • The huge numbers of livestock that were culled and gallons of milk dumped in the U.S.;
  • The inability of European asparagus growers to get labor to harvest the crop; and
  • Disruptions in the ability of migrant workers to cross borders.

Wong talks to sources about advances in technology such as robots that can replace labor, noting Florida’s Harvest Crop Robotics that is just one company working on a strawberry harvester, according to the release. The host shines a spotlight on food waste, and mentions Goleta, Calif.-based Apeel Sciences, whose plant-based coating increases the shelf life of produce, cutting the amount of food waste throughout the supply chain.

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