Bananas number one commodity amongst consumers

Bananas number one commodity amongst consumers

by Janice M. Kresin, Mar 28, 2022

Available, portable, sweet and self-contained, bananas remain at the top of the list as the most popular produce item in Fresh Trends 2022.


As with many fruits and vegetables, bananas were most popular with the older set. Two-thirds of fortysomething shoppers said they bought bananas in the past year, and more than three-quarters of those age 60 and older said the same. In fact, consumers in their 50s and 60s were the most likely overall to buy bananas.


One of the few items that are not dictated by income, the banana is available and affordable for all, so there's few differences when considering shopper income. Midwestern shoppers were among the most likely overall to grab bananas, as were female shoppers.

Read the entire 2022 Fresh Trends digital edition here. 

Consumers from every ethnic background like bananas. Hispanic and Black shoppers were a bit less likely to buy the tropical fruit than those of other ethnicities.  

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