Avocados From Mexico celebrates Healthy Fats Day

To help consumers celebrate the goodness of avocados, Avocados From Mexico’s registered dietitian, Barbara Ruhs, is sharing a new recipe that is certified by the American Heart Association: H
To help consumers celebrate the goodness of avocados, Avocados From Mexico’s registered dietitian, Barbara Ruhs, is sharing a new recipe that is certified by the American Heart Association: H
by Jennifer Strailey, Mar 21, 2023

In honor of National Nutrition Month and Healthy Fats Day, March 21, Avocados From Mexico is sharing reasons to celebrate the goodness of eating avocados.

A recent Avocados From Mexico survey of 1,001 participants conducted March 1-10, 2023, discovered the below findings:

  • While 76% of peopled surveyed believe fat is an essential component of a healthy diet, less than one-third are confident they know why it’s important to have “good fats” in their diet. 
    • Avocados can help people meet both good fat and fruit and vegetable recommendations in the same bite, with 6 grams of good fats per serving or one-third of a medium avocado, says Avocados From Mexico.
  • Nearly half of people surveyed didn’t realize eating avocados can help with weight management, says Avocados From Mexico citing the study in Nutrients, Avocado Intake, and Longitudinal Weight and Body Mass Index Changes in an Adult Cohort.
  • Of those surveyed, the majority believe fat is essential to a healthy diet, but only one-third believe saturated and trans fats are associated with health benefits, indicating confusion about the various types of fats and their health benefits. 
    • Many Americans need to balance their overall fat intake by reducing their bad or saturated fat intake and increasing their “good” or unsaturated fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats) intake, says Avocados From Mexico, which adds that replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats can help reduce LDL or bad cholesterol levels. 

Related: Ever dance with a Guac Bot? Avocados From Mexico brings down the house at SXSW 

To help consumers celebrate the goodness of avocados, Avocados From Mexico’s registered dietitian, Barbara Ruhs, is sharing a new recipe that is certified by the American Heart Association: Harvest Bowl Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette.

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