BERLIN — Climate change and sustainability are literally hot topics at this year's Fruit Logistica, where VentureFruit, a T&G Global company, unveiled what it says is the world's first specifically bred hot climate-tolerant apple variety. The apple's commercial launch took place at the BayWa booth during the trade show Feb. 9.
Tutti, which for the last five years has undergone extensive research and growing trials under its variety name of “HOT84A1,” is the first apple brand to be commercially released from the Hot Climate Partnership.
“Growers are getting slaughtered out there,” Morgan Rogers, VentureFruit's general manager, told The Packer prior to the Tutti reveal. Referring to rising temperatures around the globe, Rogers added, “We have to help them.”
VentureFruit says 20 years of breeding and scientific development have come before today's now commercially available fruit.
“With the world's climate changing, it's vital innovative new varieties are developed to withstand high temperatures and enable growers across all major continents to adapt and have sustainable businesses, while providing consumers with great tasting apples — and that's what Tutti delivers,” Rogers said in a statement.
Initiated in 2002 in response to the challenges experienced by Spanish growers, the Hot Climate Partnership is a collaboration between Spain's Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology, New Zealand's Plant & Food Research, Catalonian fruit producers association Fruit Futur, and T&G Global's genetics and variety management business, VentureFruit, which are responsible for the commercialization and licensing of new varieties from the partnership.
“In Spain, challenging growing conditions of extreme daytime temperatures of over [104] degrees [Fahrenheit], combined with warmer nights, is making it difficult to grow apples,” Rogers said. “Tutti solves this challenge. It has been specifically bred to grow in hot conditions and produce a deliciously light crisp apple, with bright red skin and a rounded sweet fresh flavor. Tutti also grows successfully in different growing conditions, having been tested throughout Europe, including Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland and the U.K.
“With today's commercial launch of the variety, we now invite interested parties from across Europe to submit their interest in being a Tutti licence holder and growing this innovative new apple variety,” Rogers continued.

(Photo courtesy of VentureFruit)
The Hot Climate Partnership has an extensive pipeline of apple and pear varieties, 13 of which are completing their final years of evaluation and testing, including consumer sensory research conducted across key markets to help shape the commercial proposition of each new variety, the company says.
Following the release of Tutti, VentureFruit expects to commercialize an additional five new apple and pear varieties over the next seven years, all of which have been specifically bred to be tolerant of hot climates.
Gareth Edgecombe, T&G Global's chief executive, says the strength of the unique Hot Climate Partnership is its combined scientific, growing and commercialization expertise.
“Addressing the potential impact of climate change on the world's apple and pear sector is not something one business can do; it takes collaboration, knowledge sharing, commitment and a vision for what is possible,” Edgecombe said. “Through the dedication of our partnership and testing partners, the Hot Climate Partnership addresses both climate change mitigation and adaptation.
“Innovative varieties like Tutti can grow in warm and rising temperatures, while at the same time potentially help open up new growing regions which previously may have been unsuitable for growing apples and pears given their climatic conditions,” Edgecombe continued. “It's innovative solutions like Tutti that our sector needs to meet the evolving needs of our global consumers and customers, and ensure we continue to build a sustainable and resilient sector.”
VentureFruit says the brand name “Tutti” connects both to the grower benefits of sustaining apple production into the future and to consumers looking for a great tasting apple.
“Tutti's translation means ‘everyone' or ‘all together' in Italian, a concept at the very heart of the Hot Climate Partnership, which is delivering better solutions for growers, consumers and retailers,” said Kate James, business development manager for VentureFruit. “Its brand tagline ‘love every bite' promises to meet the test of a great apple — how it tastes. With commercial plantings already underway, we can't wait to see Tutti apples on retailers' shelves.”
Tutti will be commercialized through a peer-to-peer network, allowing participating third-party license holders the ability to grow, market and sell the variety within their licensed territory while meeting the Tutti brand specifications.
The new variety is open for licensing to all growers, fresh produce sales and marketing companies, and plant nurseries. Interested parties can submit their interest in Tutti with VentureFruit, and prior to forming an expression of interest, receive access to trial evaluation data and consumer sensory testing results to support their decision on the commercialization opportunities of Tutti.
For more information, visit the Tutti apple website or contact [email protected].