Organic Spinach

Organic Spinach

Organic Spinach

Commodity Overview

Organic spinach is a must-have in your produce department as more than 60% of all spinach sales are organic. Sales of organic spinach continue to climb. Make the most of this organic leafy green by giving it plenty of promotional attention.


94090 regular/bunched
93332 baby
Retail Price Data is based on USDA Specialty Crops Market News surveys. Data collection ends on the report date and encompasses ad pricing good from the Saturday before the report release date through the following Friday. Weekly data - from over 400 retailers, comprising more than 30,000 individual stores with online weekly advertised features - covers over 250 produce items. Registered (logged-in) users, can access weekly reports and additional market information.
USDA Specialty Crops Market News publishes FOB and Movement data on a daily and weekly basis. Pricing and volume information is aggregated by commodity and published weekly, subject to any source-data adjustments. Commodity data is further processed based on origin (domestic vs imports) and type (regular vs. organic). Registered (logged-in) users, can access weekly reports and additional market information.

Sales Strategies

Sales show organic spinach is a mainstream staple in many households. Promote it regularly along with other organic vegetables used in salads. Include organic salad dressings and croutons in your promotion.

Organic spinach is a popular topping for pizza, so cross-promote it with other organic pizza ingredients.

Promote spinach to parents as a great way to get a nutrient-rich vegetable on their kids’ plates. Encourage parents to use organic spinach as a base for salads, a topping for sandwiches and a replacement for lettuce in tacos.

Spinach is a popular addition to brunch favorites like quiche and omelets. Include organic spinach in holiday promotions that focus around brunch like Mother’s Day and Easter.

Dynamic Displays

Organic spinach is available in both regular and baby varieties. Include both on your display to appeal to different types of consumers. Organic spinach is available in both bulk and packaged options. Stock both types to attract as many sales as possible.

Include bags or clamshells of organic spinach in your bagged salad case along with conventional product. Packaged options cut down on the opportunities for cross-contamination.

When displaying bulk spinach, be sure to appropriately separate it from conventional product.

Place organic spinach near other organic salad vegetables, including red or yellow bell peppers or tomatoes. The color contrast will draw shoppers’ eyes.

In the Backroom

Organic spinach is often shipped in cartons of 24 bunches or 12, 10-ounce bags. Baby spinach is often available in 4-pound cartons. Spinach is also available in cartons of 4, 2.5-pound bags.

Spinach plants
U.S. No. 1
U.S. commercial

Spinach leaves
U.S. extra No. 1
U.S. No. 1
U.S. commercial

Temperature: 32 F (0 C)
Relative humidity: 95-100%
Mist: lightly
Typical shelf life: 10 to 14 days
Ethylene-sensitive (Do not store or transport ethylene-sensitive items with commodities that produce ethylene.)
Moderately sensitive to freezing injury (Able to recover from one or two light freezings.)



Persevere Produce LLC

Overview (7)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Broker, Grower, Shipper, Wholesaler
Location HQ:
Newport, 41012 Kentucky
Cooking Vegetables:
Cabbage, Cauliflower, Peppers, Chili
Salad Vegetables:
Spinach, Broccoli, Carrots, Celery, Cucumbers, Romaine

Cal Farms Inc

Overview (3)   (0)   (1)  
Business Type:
Grower, Shipper, Wholesaler
Location HQ:
Oregon City, 97045 Oregon
Cooking Vegetables:
Salad Vegetables:
Spinach, Lettuce, Onions, Green, Radishes, Romaine
Organic Produce:
Organic Beets, Organic Cabbage, Organic Greens, Organic Herbs

Joseph A Cimino Food Brokers Inc

BCA Award
Overview (6)   (0)   (4)  
Business Type:
Broker, Wholesaler
Location HQ:
Liverpool, 13090 New York
Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Gold Raspberries, Red Raspberries, Strawberries, Specialty Berries, Red Currants, Kiwiberries

Montanez Imports LLC

Overview (1)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Exporter, Importer, Retailer
Location HQ:
McAllen, 78503 Texas
Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Gold Raspberries, Red Raspberries, Strawberries, Specialty Berries, Red Currants, Kiwiberries

Elite Fresh Produce Distributors LLC

Overview (2)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Location HQ:
Payette, 83661-2421 Idaho
Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Gold Raspberries, Red Raspberries, Strawberries, Specialty Berries, Red Currants, Kiwiberries

B.E.T. Brokerage LLC

Overview (2)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Location HQ:
Chelsea, 02150 Massachusetts
Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Specialty Berries
Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Oranges

Green Horizons Organic Farms

Overview (0)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Location HQ:
Pawling, 12564-1837 New York
Grapefruit, Lemons, Oranges
Deciduous Fruit:
Apples, Grapes, Pears, Pomegranates
Stone Fruit:
Peaches, Plums
Tropical Fruit:

Rooftop Farm At Uncommon Ground

Overview (0)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Location HQ:
Chicago, 60660-1311 Illinois
Deciduous Fruit:
Stone Fruit:
Cooking Vegetables:
Beans, Beets, Eggplant, Garlic, Greens, Herbs, Kale, Onions, Bulb

Roots & Shoots Llc

Overview (0)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Location HQ:
North Freedom, 53951 Wisconsin
Cooking Vegetables:
Artichokes, Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery Root, Eggplant, Garlic

Boerson Farm

Overview (0)   (0)   (0)  
Business Type:
Location HQ:
Princeton, 54968-8813 Wisconsin
Cooking Vegetables:
Beans, Beets, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery Root, Eggplant, Garlic

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