How do you increase your bagged apple sales 2,175% for one promotion?

How about building the World's Largest Apple Display?
FireLake Foods, Shawnee, Okla., worked with Wenatchee, Wash.-based Chelan Fresh and Affiliated Foods, Amarillo, Texas, for the promotion, which ran in mid-November, said Don Clay, store manager.
Clay said FireLake Foods has done several promotions like this, with bananas, grapes and potatoes.
It took a crew of 10 people about seven hours to build the display, which included 960 cases of apples, for a total of 38,400 pounds – a full truckload, he said.
“Chelan Fresh and Affiliated Foods out of Amarillo helped to keep the price point down so that we could have a retail of $1.00 for a 3-pound bag,” Clay said.
Varieties in the promotion included gala, granny smith and red delicious.
The promotion included tie-ins to the National Football League's Fuel Up to Play 60 program and ran in three stores. It was heavily promoted on social media, with contests guessing how many bags were on the display.
The result?
9213 bags over three locations vs. 405 for the same week last year, a 2,175% increase.
“I would say the sale was VERY successful,” Clay said.