What's happening in apples?

What's happening in apples?

by Pamela Riemenschneider, Dec 06, 2017

Here's a curated rundown of apple promotions this season. I'll keep updating as new items hit the wires. Know something happening? Email me at [email protected]

apples in space

Envy apples fly to International Space Station

Envy apples joined an elite club this week when they arrived at the International Space Station as part of a resupply mission.



crimson delight

Crimson Delight earns consumer kudos

L&M Cos. and Washington Family Farms are enjoying a positive consumer response to their proprietary apple Crimson Delight.


autumn glory in space
Autumn Glory takes flight 

Domex Superfresh Growers had a fun science experiment: they sent an Autumn Glory apple to space, and retrieved it. 


envy roadshow
The Envy Apple Roadshow visits Texas retailers

Envy grower and Turners & Growers Washington state program manager Rick Derry joined the sample and promotions crew for a few of the stops, which focused on increasing awareness of Envy.


Oneonta's Juici takes off

Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers' Juici apple is enjoying brisk holiday demand in more than 3,000 stores, and the company expects to add another 740 retail carriers in January.


crunchpak produce mom
CrunchPak signs on with The Produce Moms

The Produce Moms marketing organization will feature Crunch Pak's apple rings and its kid-friendly packaging through its digital platforms, according to a news release.


kiku apples
Kiku shaping up for strong season

Growers have larger volumes of Kiku this season and anticipate continued positive response from consumers.



autumn glory
Superfresh's Autumn Glory stars on social media

After promos such as a blogger orchard tour and apple pie workshop, more than a million people have engaged with Autumn Glory social media content a month into the season.



“Ich möchte ein Apfel kaufen, bitte.” (I'd like to buy an apple)

The Packer's Amelia Friedline shares her experiences in unfamiliar flavors and new apples while abroad. 




SweeTango cracks Top 10 in September sales

Nielsen scan data show that SweeTango volume sales are up 9.3% and dollar sales are up 13.3% from 2016, according to a news release from marketing firm Fiction Tribe. The average retail price for the apple in September was $2.42 per pound.



sliced opal
Sliced Opals carry Farmington Fresh label

The company expects to process more than 500 tons of the fruit this season, said marketing manager Garrison Rajkovich. Opals are grown by Broetje Orchards in Washington and marketed by Yakima-based FirstFruits Marketing of Washington.


Stay warm during winter with Piñata apples

To bring warmth and sales to the produce department during the holidays, Stemilt Growers LLC suggests retailers promote the company's Piñata apples.



Growers promoting much larger Kanzi crop

Wenatchee, Wash.-based CMI plans on an 120% increase in overall Kanzi volume, including a 400% increase in organic Kanzis, according to a news release.


firelake foods chlean
World's Largest Apple Display = 2,000% increase in sales

FireLake Foods, Shawnee, Okla., worked with Wenatchee, Wash.-based Chelan Fresh and Affiliated Foods, Amarillo, Texas, for the promotion, which ran in mid-November, said Don Clay, store manager.

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