WATCH: Amazon slows “Go” launch, pilots grocery pickup

WATCH: Amazon slows “Go” launch, pilots grocery pickup

by Pamela Riemenschneider, Mar 29, 2017

Just a few days after Seattle-based Amazon said it’s delaying the public launch of its Amazon Go checkout-free grocery, its AmazonFresh delivery service is piloting a click and collect-style grocery pickup.

The pilot, currently available only in two Seattle neighborhoods for Amazon employees, allows customers to shop online and designate window to pick up, as soon as 15 minutes after ordering.

According to a company announcement of the pilot, customers can “choose from thousands of items at low prices, including fresh produce, high-quality meats and everyday essentials.”

The company says once it completes the employee-only beta testing, Amazon Prime members will have unlimited, free pickup benefits. AmazonFresh members will be able to pick up orders as soon as 15 minutes after they are placed.



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