Wal-Mart shakes up produce leadership

Wal-Mart shakes up produce leadership

by Pamela Riemenschneider, Aug 01, 2017

Martin Mundo is the new senior vice president, general merchandise manager of produce and global produce sourcing for Wal-Mart U.S., according to an internal memo.martin mundo walmart

Shawn Baldwin, who previously served in that role, is transitioning to a new initiative focusing on Hispanic customers, said Wal-Mart Stores Inc. spokesman Ryan Curell. Curell said the company plans to share more information about the new initiative as it takes shape.

“Hispanic shoppers are a core customer for us, so we've got to get it right,” he said. “We're going to share details as it moves forward. We're just getting that work started, and Shawn is the right person for the job.”

shawn baldwin walmart
According to the internal memo from Charles Redfield, executive vice president of food for Walmart U.S. obtained by Produce Retailer, Baldwin will continue to report to Redfield.

Mundo, who previously was senior vice president of operations for the company's Southeast division, started with Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in 1994.

Curell said Mundo's career with Wal-Mart includes global food sourcing work in Central and South America before becoming head of operations for Walmart Argentina.

Redfield said in the memo:

Starting with Walmart in 1994, Martin has served in many roles, including Walmart Argentina's Head of Operations and Chief Merchandising and Marketing Officer. Prior to joining Walmart U.S. Operations in 2012, Martin played an integral role establishing our Global Food Sourcing office in Costa Rica. With extensive global experience, he will be an outstanding addition to our team.

Other changes in leadership outlined in the memo:

  • Tyler Lehr, vice president of Win in Fresh, was promoted to senior vice president and general merchandise manager of deli services;

  • Marc Lieberman, vice president of Neighborhood Markets, was named vice president of Win in Fresh, succeeding Lehr;

  • Deli and Bakery were split into two markets, with Kerry Robinson named senior vice president, general merchandise manager of bakery services.

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