Vote for the NGA Creative Choice Award grand prize winners

Vote for the NGA Creative Choice Award grand prize winners

by Pamela Riemenschneider, Feb 06, 2018

Through Feb. 9, you have a chance to review the 2018 Creative Choice Award winners and vote for your favorites to win the Creative Choice Outstanding Merchandiser and Marketer grand prize winners.

Go HERE to cast your vote.

Want to see this year’s category winners? Check these out.

Among the finalists are Coborn’s Misfits Produce, Dorothy Lane’s chocolate covered strawberry dipping, McKay’s Produce Sidewalk Sale, Honey Bee Produce Company’s Bags for Bees and more.  


Category 1: Connections Through Social Media and Digital Marketing

1-15 Store Winner: Nutrition Smart - Mobile Opt-In Campaign

15+ Store Winner: What’s For Dinner, Lowe’s Market


Category 2: Connections Through TV Radio

1-15 Store Winner: Macey’s Moments, Macey’s

15+ Store Winner: Toddler Taste Test Videos, Quincy County Market


Category 3: Connections Through Print

1-15 Store Winner: Newport Avenue Market “Experts” Campaign, Newport Avenue Market

15+ Store Winner: Cub Quick & Easy Meals, Cub


Category 4: Integrated Marketing Campaign

1-15 Store Winner: Daily Harvest Values!, Walla Walla's Harvest Foods

15+ Store Winner: MORE Rewards 2.0 Launch, Coborn’s, Inc.


Category 5: Grand Opening or Remodel

1-15 Store Winner: Macey’s Murray Grand Opening, Macey’s

15+ Store Winner: 10Box Springdale Grand Opening, Harp’s Food Stores, Inc.



Category 6: Single Manufacturer Event

1-15 Store Winner: Acquistapace's Wisconsin Cheese Extravaganza, Acquistapace's Covinton Supermarket

15+ Store Winner: Purina - Pet Photo Contest & Buy a Bag Give a Bag program, Houchens Industries


Category 7: Store Event

1-15 Store Winner: Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Dipping, Dorothy Lane Market

15+ Store Winner: Produce Sidewalk Sales, McKay’s Foods and Pharmacy


Category 8: Public Service or Charitable Cause Event

1-15 Store Winner: Bags for Bees, Honey Bee Produce Company

15+ Store Winner: American Flag Made of 2,028 Cupcakes, County Market


Category 9: Center Store/GM/HBC

1-15 Store Winner: One Day Case Sale Event - Introduction of Our Family, a new Private Brand, Leppink's Food Centers

15+ Store Winner: Miner's Inc. Letter Carrier's Food Drive, Burning Tree Rd Super One


Category 10: Perimeter Departments

1-15 Store Winner: Newport Avenue Market What’s for Dinner Tuesday, Newport Avenue Market

15+ Store Winner: Misfit Produce, Coborn’s, Inc.

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