Do you speak emoji?
There's something to be said for a quick picture to illustrate a feeling. The International Food Information Council wants to help consumers start the New Year right with their Mindful Eat-Mojis. Developed this summer, they're meant to be an aid to help people guide their eating based on their own internal hunger and fullness cues, says Liz Sanders, associate director of nutrition and food safety for the Washington, D.C.-based organization.
“We wanted to specifically address mindful and intuitive behaviors because these practices have been proven to promote healthful eating,” Sanders says.
The chart suggests ranking hunger level before eating, on a 1 to 10 scale, suggesting stopping at level 6. IFIC offers it free for download on its website, It's also shareable on social media, Sanders says.
It's part of IFIC's “It's All About You” toolkit to help consumers better eat mindfully — and can be a useful tool to help consumers stick to their New Year's resolutions, Sanders says.
“It has a lot of information about getting more fruits and vegetables in your diet,” she says.