Was it the hipsters, the millennials—or your grandmother—who made canning jars a ubiquitous pop culture serving piece?
While we sip craft beer from a Mason jar, let's talk about what trendsetters in food are looking to “put up” on display next. From the originals like cucumbers, cauliflower, asparagus and green beans, to newcomers like pickled radishes, fermented tomatoes and even pickled avocados, recipes are all over social media cooking demos and recipe sites.
There's even new events dedicated to pickles popping up across the country. The Boston Public Market hosted the inaugural Boston Pickle Fair in June, which featured beer and pickle pairings, local pickle “artisans” and their wares and a home pickling contest with celebrity judges.
Search interest in pickling peaks in July and August, according to Google Trends, but what's interesting is that the overall interest year-round continues to grow.
What are consumers looking to pickle?
The top “breakout” related search topics for “how to pickle” are:
Consumers in California, Texas, Illinois and New York are the most interested in “how to pickle” related searches, according to Google Trends.
Take advantage of this trend by building a gourmet pickling station in your department, with premium vinegars, flavored salts, herbs and, of course, canning jars to inspire consumers to create their own, or host an in-store cooking event.