Trader Joe's is selling “teeny tiny” (toast size?) avocados

Trader Joe’s is selling “teeny tiny” (toast size?) avocados

by Pamela Riemenschneider, May 26, 2017

Way to make the best of a tough market. Monrovia, Calif.-based Trader Joe’s is marketing a six-count bag of avocados under a totally adorable, cutesy name: “Teeny Tiny Avocados.”

The bag appears in the company’s latest “Fearless Flyer” advertised for $2.69.

 “We’ve taken the availability of avocados to new heights with the introduction of Trader Joe’s Teeny Tiny Avocados. The name is cute, but not entirely accurate; these emerald-flesh gems are not that small. They’re personal, single-serve, “where have you been all my life”-sized avocados.”

The company is promoting them as a no-waste, “no wrapping up the other half for another time and hoping it’s still good when you’re ready to eat it” option.

The media loves them, so far.

Here’s the Today Show blog’s: “we just want to squeeze these mini avocados” – please don’t.

Bon Appetit says they’re “more than just cute.” And touts them as the perfect solution for keeping avocado toast affordable.


People are “freaking out” about them, apparently.

Instagrammers are using fun things to compare for size.


Thank you #TraderJoes for the perfect serving of avocado ??? #TeenyTinyAvocado #Yum

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