How does The Fresh Market train its personal e-commerce shoppers?
This specialty grocery retailer that operates 159 locations in 22 states may partner with Instacart for its digital shopping platform and logistics, but along the way, The Fresh Market's leadership has learned how to make it their own, featuring their own website and training their own personal shoppers.
To hear from more retailers on this topic, check out the March-April issue of PMG's digital magazine, coming soon.
Let's learn how this one food retailer handles its digital shopper program and ensures the people picking the consumer’s produce order know what to do — regardless of whether those groceries are delivered or placed in the vehicle curbside.
Listen to the interview with Gerrick Polinsky, e-commerce manager of merchandising and operations at The Fresh Market. The Tip of the Iceberg Podcast has the full conversation.
Here's a sneak-peek golden nugget in the interview:
"We have training for every department on top of curbside," Polinsky said, so that The Fresh Market employees who deliver to shoppers at their cars curbside have gone through multiple training sessions.
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"They might even be as specific as 'This is your training on cherries.' We don't just have produce training," Polinsky said. "We have all these different modules to educate our team members on what's special about what fruits. Seasonality is involved and what questions they might need to ask.
"We do everything we can to make sure the person shopping that order is as prepared as possible to get it right," he said.
Don't forget to listen to this Tip of the Iceberg Podcast episode on training the personal shopper.
Also: Try the previous podcast episode on How to share your authentic stories on #alwaysessential workers.