The future of PLUs?

The future of PLUs?

by Pamela Riemenschneider, Jan 20, 2017

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Nature and More's branding process is already approved in the U.S. 

Is laser branding the end of PLU stickers?

The Dutch company Nature & More is piloting a process it calls Natural Branding at a Swedish supermarket that it says can eliminate at least 725,000 stickers on avocados in the next year alone, according to news release on its site.

The process involves removing a layer of from the outer peel, which the company says is contact-free and approved in the U.S. for organic production. It has no effect on taste or shelf life, and the company says it uses 1% of the energy needed for the sticker alternatives.

“The most sustainable way to pack is not to pack,” says Paul Hendriks, packaging expert for the company, in a news release. “I have been saying that for years, but it has been difficult to bring about in the supermarket.”

It's not the 100% perfect solution, however, as laser won't stick to all fruits and vegetables. Fruits like citrus and pomegranates will “heal” the marks, but the company says it's useful for just about all others like avocado, sweet potato, ginger, mango, apples and coconut.

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