Survey: Inflation caused 24% of shoppers to reduce spend on avocados

Survey: Inflation caused 24% of shoppers to reduce spend on avocados

Avocado purchases remain high, according to figures from The Packer’s Fresh Trends  2024, which shows 51% of consumers reported purchasing them in the past 12 months.
Avocado purchases remain high, according to figures from The Packer’s Fresh Trends  2024, which shows 51% of consumers reported purchasing them in the past 12 months.
(Photo: angel, Adobe Stock)
by The Packer Staff, May 23, 2024

Editor's note: The following report is from The Packer’s Fresh Trends 2024, which provides insight based on survey responses from consumers. Since 1983, The Packer has sponsored 41 major consumer studies to track trends in the purchases and consumption of fresh produce, documenting the fluctuation in purchases of specific fruits and vegetables as well as changing attitudes toward industry issues.

Avocado purchases remain high, according to figures from The Packer’s Fresh Trends 2024, which shows 51% of consumers reported purchasing them in the past 12 months.

However, 23.8% of shoppers said they reduced their spend on avocados due to inflation. 

The survey shows that 44.6% of consumers said they feel comfortable selecting ripe avocados for immediate consumption, while 41.4% said they know how to ripen avocados once bringing them home. 

High-income shoppers — those making more than $100,000 annually — more frequently reported purchasing avocados. Also, almost 61% of households with two or three kids reported purchasing avocados.  

Sixty-six percent of residents in the West said they purchased avocados in the past 12 months. 

Shoppers under age 60 more often reported purchasing avocados. Fifty-seven percent of those aged 30-39 and 40-49 said they added avocados to their shopping carts in the past 12 months.


Fresh Trends 2024 data for avocados

Reported purchase based on household income*

  • Less than $25K — 33%    
  • $25K<$50K — 40%    
  • $50K<$100K — 52%    
  • $100K+ — 67%    

*Annual household income

Reported purchase based on dependent children

  • Have kids — 56%
  • 1 kid — 49%        
  • 2 kids — 61%    
  • 3 or more kids — 61%
  • No kids — 48%

Reported purchase based on region

  • Midwest — 47%
  • Northeast — 49%
  • South — 45%
  • West — 66%            

Reported purchase based on age*

  • 18-29 — 44%        
  • 30-39 — 57%
  • 40-49 — 58%
  • 50-59 — 52%
  • 60+ — 45%

*Considering primary household buyers

Reported purchase based on ethnicity

  • Asian — 70%
  • Black/African American — 42%
  • Hispanic — 69%
  • Other — 56%
  • White/Caucasian — 48%

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