Supermarket Sweep is coming back, y'all

Supermarket Sweep is coming back, y'all

by Pamela Riemenschneider, Oct 16, 2017

This is the reboot grocery nerds have been waiting for.

After years of my son insisting I could win Guy's Grocery Game on The Food Network, I kept responding that I'd have a better chance at Supermarket Sweep. Alas, it's been off the air since 2004, so he has no idea of the craziness of people chucking as many giant canned hams into a shopping cart as fast as they can.

Freemantle Media announced Oct. 15 that it bought the rights to the show, which originally premiered in 1965.

For nostalgia's sake, I watched a couple of episodes YouTube.

“Since $5,000 is serious money, you have to do some serious shopping!”

And you know what I used to complain about, even before I was in this gig?

They never shop for produce!  Hopefully we can change that.

Guys. I've been training for this all my life.

 supermarket sweep supermarketsweep GIF

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