Podcast - Paul Lightfoot, president of BrighFarms on carbon negative foods, food safety and so much more

Podcast - Paul Lightfoot, president of BrighFarms on carbon negative foods, food safety and so much more

by Amy Sowder, Oct 21, 2021

Episode 62 of the Tip of the Iceberg Podcast features a conversation with Paul Lightfoot, president of BrightFarms, a greenhouse operation delivering local greens to grocery stores. 

Lightfoot founded BrightFarms, his controlled environment agriculture (CEA) company, in Irvington, N.Y. He also spearheaded the CEA Food Safety Coalition to create food safety standards and labeling unique to this indoor ag sector. That labeling will help retailers and shoppers make purchase decisions while protecting consumer health. Consistent standards also reduce confusion among CEA companies.

But Lightfoot has been working on several other initiatives. Amy Sowder, retail and education editor of The Packer and PMG, and Tom Karst, editor of The Packer, talked with Lightfoot about his Negative Foods newsletter. It's actually a positive thing — foods that go beyond minimizing or even neutralizing its carbon footprint.

Interested in listening to more Tip of the Iceberg Podcast episodes?

Enjoy our earlier episodes. In our last two, Brooke Park, The Packer and PMG's digital strategist, talks to Liset Garcia of Sweet Girl Farms on how her family operation evolved and how they handle challenges such as water shortages. Before that, Sowder and Karst discuss with Wendy Reinhardt Kapsak of Produce for Better Health Foundation how we can influence produce consumption at retail, foodservice and farms. 

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