Pamela's Kitchen: Village Farms tomato adventures

Pamela's Kitchen: Village Farms tomato adventures

by Pamela Riemenschneider, Mar 02, 2018

Village Farms recently reached out to me about my tomato adventures in the kitchen, where the boys and I are learning how to cook with all of the different varieties of tomatoes available to us in the produce department. 

I've been doing this because, let's be honest, most of us go to the produce department for fresh tomatoes we're eating in uncooked dishes. When I think of things like sauces, I head to the center store. 

Not anymore!

I cooked up two fantastic sauces using Heavenly Villagio Marzano and Cabernet Estate Reserve tomatoes. Ike was particularly fond of the roasted Heavenly Villagio Marzanos, sauteed with a little garlic and olive oil. 

We also cooked Lorabella Blossoms. They were FANTASTIC roasted as an English muffin topping in my perfectly Instagrammable breakfast scenario:




However, when I fancied myself a chef and tried to make my own roasted tomato and mango salsa, let's just say I'm going to take the blame on that one. Too many onions, too much cilantro, not enough tomatoes.

Well, we can't win them all, I guess?

I'm having a great time actually learning how to cook with things I haven't really considered before, so thanks Village Farms, for the inspiration. I'll be looking to fresh produce for my sauces more often, for sure. 


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