Pamela's Kitchen: Dole GO Berries!

Pamela's Kitchen: Dole GO Berries!

by Pamela Riemenschneider, Feb 07, 2017


I got my greedy little hands on some samples of Dole's new GO Berries! pack, further proving to my friends that I have The World's Coolest Job Ever. 

What's Dole's game plan behind these new packs? Well, there's not really an easy way to do snacking strawberries, says CarrieAnn Arias, vice president of marketing for Dole Fresh Vegetables and Berries. 

"We're looking to expand how -- and where -- berry lovers enjoy their favorite fruit," Arias says, in the product launch news release. 

All you have to do is snap off one of the "right sized" snack packs, rinse and enjoy. 

Each pack has three 4-ounce clamshells and is about the same size (for stacking and merchandising purposes) and price as a 1-pound clamshell. 

This gives you the option to snap off one and enjoy it on the go. Why is this important? Well, it's really hard to do snacking strawberries because once you wash a berry, the clock is ticking.

Berries degrade really fast once they're wet, and you should really wait until right when you're ready to eat to wash them to keep them from getting mushy. These little packs can be washed in a water fountain at school, with some bottled water in your car or wherever. 

And, for my family, it's an interesting idea because for some reason, we have a mental block against half-empty clamshells of strawberries. Once the clamshell has been breached, any leftover berries die a slow and lonely death because we never seem to go back and finish them. 

Partitioning off servings seems like a good idea for my boys, for sure. 


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