Pamela's Kitchen: Avoid the dreaded "Avocado Hand"

Pamela's Kitchen: Avoid the dreaded "Avocado Hand"

by Pamela Riemenschneider, May 12, 2017

Have you heard of "Avocado Hand"?  It's when you misjudge the ripeness of an avocado and accidentally cut yourself. It can happen to even the most experienced avocado eaters -- my sister has gone to the ER not once, but TWICE with avocado injuries. 

Well, the story is making the rounds in social media again, so I think it's time for a refresher from Pamela's Kitchen. 

Jan DeLyser of the California Avocado Commission joined me in the kitchen last year, and she taught me a really neat trick that I didn't know before. It's the "nick and peel" instead of "whack and scoop," which is where people get in to trouble with their avocado cutting. 

It's a game-changer. 


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