Ikea's Cook-by-Numbers experiment

Ikea’s Cook-by-Numbers experiment

by Pamela Riemenschneider, Jun 22, 2017

melinda goodman full tilt
Melinda Goodman of Full Tilt Marketing shared a fascinating promotion by Ikea, the ubiquitous provider of solutions for problems we often didn't know we have.

Ikea did a pilot promotion called Fill in the Blanks, a 4-page pad of parchment paper with pictures of recipes printed right on them.

The recipes incorporate Ikea foods like meatballs and salmon, as well as others consumers get in produce, like tomatoes, fresh oregano, lemons and more. Consumers “fill in the blanks” of each page with a recipe ingredient, roll it up and bake it.

“When you see the simplicity of adding ingredients in this illustrated format, it makes so much sense…even though many of us could have never conceived the possibility of such an interesting use of context to create a recipe,” Goodman wrote in a Full Tilt Marketing blog post. “The reality is, today's consumer thinks differently…in fact each consumer of every generation has always thought differently. It's why products evolve and stories change.”

Check out Melinda's full analysis here.

Maybe it's time to get literal with recipes?  

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