Human tissue...made from apples?

Human tissue...made from apples?

by Pamela Riemenschneider, Mar 03, 2017

Never mind non-browning technology, these scientists are growing human tissue…with apples.

BBC news reported on a lab in Ottawa, Canada, led by Andrew Pelling that is sculpting apples into the right shape, scrubbing the DNA and cells, which leaves a fibrous structure that can support human cells grown from an incubator.

“We’ve got this great material that’s really low cost, cheap…you can create different structures with it and it’s implantable and biocompatible,” he told BBC. “And that opens up a lot of possibilities for regenerative medicine.”

Pelling said the next challenge is working on more complicated systems, like organs, bone and muscle.

The research is still new, however, so don’t get your hopes up for a new apple-based bionic ear. Researchers are still testing feasibility and safety. 

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