It's hard to imagine a backyard cookout, a day on the beach or a trip to a water park without a slice of cool, sweet watermelon. Nothing punctuates a summer scene like it.
Watermelons evoke memories of summers past. They're the red in the red, white and blue – and watermelon is the single biggest tonnage item in the produce aisle for a solid four months.
Are you ready?
Selection tips
I always thought I could park a knowledgeable clerk at the watermelon display all day long on a busy day with the sole assignment of selecting ‘good' melons for customers. How would this person do it? After handling a million watermelons, a good clerk attains a certain ‘feel' for what melon is probably going to cut exceptionally well.
What's the secret? It's hard to pinpoint. Some thump the melon – there are even apps that listen to the thumping to gauge a watermelon's degree of ripeness. I was taught that a ripe watermelon is like a blown-up balloon, exerting pressure outward and ready to burst. This explains the hollow sound from thumping, or how a ripe melon cracks in response to a knife blade as it begins to cut into the rind.
I look for a creamy-colored ground spot on a melon with no dents or bruises. Then, holding the watermelon away from my body, I give it a gentle slap with my free hand. A ripe watermelon will actually vibrate a little, along with the resounding ‘thump.' I know – there is a host of tried-and-true selection methods I'm leaving out.
If all else fails, cut the melon open, right?
Take it outside
Outdoor merchandising is a must. Most stores are squeezed enough for space on a normal basis, so summertime volume dictates you take the show outdoors. Often a store will receive a half or straight load at a time, so it's best to line up the melons along the store's front sidewalk or inside a lobby area. Try to keep the watermelon protected from the elements.
Watermelons seem indestructible, but excess sun and rain will greatly reduce the shelf life. Don't order more than you can sell in a few days, and keep the displays regularly culled and rotated.
In the store
Watermelons deserve a prominent display indoors as well. Display near the other summer fare such as honeydew, cantaloupe and variety melons for best impact. Make sure your bins don't sell down too low as this impedes sales. Keep a fresh bin at the ready to rotate into your floor display at all times.
Also, place the watermelon bins near your cut display to grow sales of both options. Don't forget about the mini watermelon too.
Cut it up
Engage the senses. If possible, cut watermelons for your display in full view of your customers.
As they watch the fruit being prepared and wrapped, they will certainly see the vibrant color, hear the knife cut through with each slice, smell the wonderful aroma, and – don't forget the samples – taste the fruit for themselves. If you engage all the senses, you'll make that many more sales.
Keep it clean, neat, organized – and safe, by following all chain and health department guidelines.
Offer refrigerated cut watermelon in a range of sizes and varieties: Halves, quarters, and even eighths. Many chains command a premium price for cuts, so it also helps your gross profit to push watermelon cuts. Customers often comment on a certain size with remarks like, “This size fits nicely in my refrigerator.” Cull your displays often and discard out-of-date or unsaleable product.
I advocate a twice-daily sign walk, especially during the hectic summer months. Signs should be large enough to match the display size, clearly conveying the variety and price point. Outdoor signs especially take a beating, so keep a close eye on these and replace damaged or weathered signs right away.
Can you go a little further with signing? Only if you want to boost sales! Post a ‘How to Select' ripeness sign. Shout out the watermelon nutrition on the signs. Some chains even test the sugar/brix levels using a refractometer – inexpensive models are available online – and post the daily ‘sweetness meter' on the sign, educating your customer even more.
Watermelons are available year-round all right, but the volume season kicks off with Memorial Day weekend and lasts until … (no, not Labor Day) … the end of September. That's right, summer watermelon sweetness, availability and wonderful sales will last as long as you promote the category.
Or at least until you get your first shipment of Jack-O-Lantern pumpkins.
Armand Lobato works for the Idaho Potato Commission. His 40 years' experience in the produce business span a range of foodservice and retail positions. E-mail him at [email protected].