Fresh Trends Focus: Cherries

Fresh Trends Focus: Cherries

by Pamela Riemenschneider, Jun 23, 2017

The likelihood of purchase increased three percentage points for cherries from 2016 to 2017. Thirty-seven percent of Fresh Trends 2017 respondents said they bought cherries in the past 12 months, making them the No. 13 fruit overall.

Last year's crop got off to an early start, which meant ads were tracking a few weeks ahead of this year's numbers, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Retail Report.

Cherry ad prices, on average, are tracking about 10 lower than last season to date, according to the report, while the average number of retailers with red cherries on ad is up 19% in the seven weeks ending June 16.

So who buys cherries? According to The Packer's Fresh Trends:

fresh trends focus cherries

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