Are you being represented on the National Organic Standards Board?

Are you being represented on the National Organic Standards Board?

by Pamela Riemenschneider, Jul 07, 2017

Do you know who influences the rules for organic in the U.S.? It’s the National Organic Standards Board. I’m pretty sure most retailers understand what the NOSB does, and you guys probably have a good idea of what the National Organic Program is. (If you don’t, head over here for some FAQs)

The Packer’s most recent editorial points out a glaring issue with the current organic industry representation on the NOSB:

The makeup of the National Organic Standards Board, for instance, looks more like the organic industry of 20 years ago with bit players, not the big business it has become.

They point, specifically, to the lack of representation from mainstream food retailers.

No disrespect to Mom’s Organic Market, but they’re the sole representation for all retailers across the country. MOM’s does a fantastic job doing what it does, but its market is extremely niche compared to the major sellers in the country. Even Whole Foods Market Inc., provides a broader view of how the everyday consumer purchases organic in the U.S.

As the Packer’s Editorial Board says:

The organic produce industry needs to act and insist on being governed as the large and important business that it is, and that necessitates participation from the most important retail groups.

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