After a historically small citrus crop, is Florida finally bouncing back?

After a historically small citrus crop, is Florida finally bouncing back?

USDA is reporting the Florida all orange forecast at 17.9 million boxes, which is up less than 1% from the previous forecast
USDA is reporting the Florida all orange forecast at 17.9 million boxes, which is up less than 1% from the previous forecast
(Image via AgDay TV)
by The Packer Staff, Jun 14, 2024

USDA is reporting the Florida all orange forecast at 17.9 million boxes. That's up less than 1% from the previous forecast, but it's good news compared to last year for a state citrus industry after hurricanes hit hard during the 2022-23 growing season.

Check out more from this story and hear more about relentless rainfall in Florida in this video report from AgDay.

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