Fresh Buyers Inspections, Inc. provides impartial fruit inspection and consultation services in California. We are experts in the area of west coast fruits, from Central and Southern California, and Chilean imports into Southern California. For over 25 years, Fresh Buyers Inspections, Inc. has been the leader in commercial quality control for the California and Arizona growing regions. These inspections facilitate trade between shippers and wholesale/retail marketers.
Our specialties include grapes, tree fruit, melons, and citrus. Beginning each May, we inspect California spring fruit and expand our coverage area to include grapes and melons from Southern California, Southern Arizona and Mexico.
With over fifty years of combined experience, we are committed to providing timely, accurate and comprehensive commodity inspection services and reports. The inspection reports and photos on our website include fruit reports from cold storage facilities and in the field, which give our clients the information needed to factor marketability and export to the consuming public.
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